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Term 3 Learning Journal Part 2

Updated: Jun 18, 2020


17th May 2020


· Research brand visual identities ie. Photography, illustration etc

· Meeting with Sid


Interior design

Art and illustration




Logo Design

After Discussing with Sid we highlighted inspiration we liked, which we felt was most fitting to our brand values.


Art and illustration



Logo Design



18th May 2020


· Attend Lecture at 10:00am




Red Bee Creative.

Wonder Creatives – Motion Studio

Ideas that work.

Design that moves.

Branding as Distillation.

A New Vision

London Luton Airport.

Defining the Brand.

Beliefs and purpose.

· Efficient

· Trusted

· Communicative

· Good Value


· Simplicity

· Welcoming

· Creativity

· Unconventional

Core Proposition

Simplicity with a smile.

A typeface does not have to cover all the values. Try and not conflict throughout your values.


Core proposition should then spark the creative proposition.


Write your one-line Proposition for the Stanley Watts Brand.

Post to project Padlet.

Core Proposition

A dynamic space that moves with culture.


Evolves is richer

Dynamically Evolving culture

Sagmeister moving building in Portugal.

Dynamic, Eclectic is richer?

Dynamic, Evolving, Eclectic, Colour, Texture, Pattern etc.

Dynamically Evolving with Culture.


· Typography

· Colour & Texture

· Photography and illustration



20th May 2020


· Zoom Meeting with Sid.


Me and Sid Prepared and finalised our Style Sheet pitch to present to Steve.

We discussed typography, colour and texture, photography and illustration. We wanted our pitch to be full of lots of different ideas we was thinking about to discuss all the possible routes we wanted to take. We knew what we wanted in terms of typography, but was struggling with photography, colour and texture and wanted to talk it through.

Here is the pitch we prepared:



21st May 2020


· Attend Lecture at 10:00am


Steve gave us some very insightful feedback about visual language. He felt we was in a good position, but we needed to make our work feel more audacious. He felt the typography was right, but the photography was not quite audacious enough. We discussed perhaps using more audacious illustration or more audacious copy.


I felt this was a good exercise. Me and Sid understand fully where we want to take the route and we agree that are not quite there on the audacious part of our core proposition. We want to refine our photography and copy and see what we can do to tread the fine line or audacious and edgy. It was good to discuss and talk through our feedback upon moving further with our work as I feel this is also a necessary process within the industry. We needed someone with fresh eyes to have a conversation with revolving our idea.


· Refine Photography

· Colours and Textures

· Illustration

· Posters

· Products

· Price List



25th May 2020


· Zoom meeting with Sid


Me and Sid discussed the work we had produced into full detail step by step deciding where we think we need to head next. We wanted to focus on refining photography first then bringing in all the elements together. We decided to make some posters and to do some creative experimentation before meeting up again on Wednesday to refine and finalise our ideas.

Here is my Visual Experimentation:



27th May 2020


· Zoom Call with Sid


Me and Sid discussed, debated and argued about visual identity. We then refined our work and finalised our pitch.






28th May 2020


· Attend Lecture at 10:00am

Pitch with Brian at 12:30pm

Pitch feedback:

Me and Sid got both negative and positive feedback from Brian. Brian said he felt we had no moral gaps and we referred to our core proposition a lot and we used what Stanley said in a very nice way. He then went on to ask us if we wanted to win the pitch. I said that we would love to but we more want to produce good work that we are confident with that will be strong for our portfolio. Brian felt we did not want to win and that he got less engaged with our pitch as time went on. He felt that our price list was not right and critiqued our pitching a lot.


Initially I felt Brian was being very critical with us, as I felt I and Sid did a good pitch but looking back I feel that we did not get across the excitement we had for our work. It is a massive learning curve for both us to understand the importance in showcasing confidence in our creative ability. I feel that Brian picked up on that immediately and was right to call it out. He could see that we were misrepresenting ourselves and not stamping our idea down as much as we believed in it. I think this was very helpful for me and Sid going forward, we need to believe in our craft more and learn how to showcase our work as so.



01 June 2020


2000 people on database. How can we utilise the database i.e. emails etc, social media, Physical activation's.

The move from Fitzrovia to the Greenwich Peninsula, how can you give that a bit of theatre?

Italian woman, photographer Carlo. Walk down the Ramblas..

Launch strategy, a recruitment push, trying to get stylists as well as customers.

Desk Space, rent a chair. Getting good stylists is as important as getting customers.

Good stylists looking for good salons.

Where can we put the communication to attract stylists?

A bit of work to do for implying a language.

How the language can apply to a website.

The manifesto will shape the about, navigation, titles, sections of the website.

A brand film would make the work come alive

Something in Wix would be something to do, interactive.

Platform called Simplees. (Requires a bit of codeing).

Needs to see the website.

Think about who they partner with.

Needs to be a launch, through the website and social media, 2000 Member Mailing list.

Brand Appropriate!

When someone walks into the Salon what do you get given?

Brand guideline, engaging piece of information to show how the brand works.


· Watch Stanley Watts Feedback Film

· Work on Activation.

· Guideline Proposal. i.e Website, Printed Book. Anybody that Stanley Watts is working can go to. How the brand looks, how the brand talks, how the brand behaves.

Stanley Watts Feedback:


Sid and Sam like the colour Scheme, Stargazey blue is nice used.

Nice colour.

Loves the Products.

Handwriting Fonts are good

a lot of texture and depth.

Combination of fonts fall together nicely.

Tuned in right.

First Presentation was pretty cool.

Moved it in a different direction.

Sid could do a nice job taking the photography.

Might be a bit 70s, 80s hairdressing.

Nothing to improve.

Brand film would be nice.

From a smile to a heart.

Sophisticated branding with stuff that is hard to balance.

Handwriting is quite fun, everything else is quite smart.

Sit well in the design district.

Derek One to One


Great copywriting, love the balance between the type, carry over into activations.

Typography would look great on print, colour plan etc, something to use in a presentation as a thing going to do.

The idea of using screen printing and paper, look at gf smith and match paper.

The SW logo has a presence, would look great as a stamp.

We have a language that has a big variety of applications.

Texture and photography and annotation looks great.

Can be used in Rate Card, Price List, could be structured like annotation, cuts and shapes abstract.

Posters are really nice, use of individually

Posters with the S is very strong.

Price List feels out of brand.

Work on simplifying.

Products are great, high end feeling product, gold top. Something that is raw, but executed really well in terms of paper choice and print process.

Take something raw and present it as a gold box.

Great to have overview slide.

Feel like we need to think through how those core ideas of our brand are delivered in terms of a customary experience.

Effortlessly audacious.

Keep referring to effortlessly audacious.

“A scotch egg delivered on a silver platter”.

Consider. How does it look as a website?

Sophisticated motion graphics or parallax of how the images slide but they are quite raw and cut out.

Launch campaign.

How to capture the 2000 people on the mailing list.

Recruitment Push, how does he attract great stylists to work at Stanley Watts.

Gifs could look nice, for social media. Emailing gifs etc.

Send everybody a screen-printed poster

Tactile and tangible. People are sick of looking at screens, a nice bit of print is more exciting.

Could be raw but delivered carefully.


Derek’s feedback felt refreshing. We have been working hard on this project and felt good to get some real positive feedback on the work we have produced. We managed to have a conversation and be critical about which parts we feel are less impactful than others. He helped us think about how we can transfer our brand language over into activation's and helped us refer to our core proposition in a strong way. I think this was very useful to hear some good feedback from Stanley, although how vague it is, Derek managed to sum up everything and help us to move forward in the right direction with our work.



4th June 2020


· Attend Lecture at 10:00am



  • Guidelines




  • Website


XD Mock Up

  • Activation's

Launch Ideas

Post Xmas

On Peninsula

Surrounding Business.

  • Service Design

How Customers are Greeted

Brand Guidelines will be more straight forward, a PDF, a Film, Guideline book?

Pitch Theatre

Solo press – Print Website.

Feedback from meeting with Steve:

Peninsulist - Research

Something that flips the zine style

Quarterly, monthly or annually?

Campaign roll out, quarterly.

Physical, print etc.

Virgin, Carlarse, Low End inflight magazine.

Palace and Supreme examples, limited edition?

Zine Style, high end production value.


We discussed with Steve the activation ideas we have already. We feel that a Website is necessary for Stanley and that we could be effortlessly audacious by creating a Quarterly Zine style book which can involve customers. It was helpful to discuss this next step with Steve to help get even more of an insight into our ideas. Steve said he thinks we are taking a good direction and that we can discuss with Paula on Monday what we have to present. Tasks moving forward is to focus on a Website and a Zine activation, also to look at a brand film.



7th June 2020


  • Attend 10:00am lecture with Paula.

Customer Stories


Involvement with the community.

Service Design

Audacious, serving it on a silver platter



Physical Space

Focus on the Juxtaposition

Everything needs to Embody the Effortlessly Audacious


Felt 70s

Use Stanley’s Imagery to showcase how it looks like with his images

Singular imagery feels stronger

Product line works

Vidal Sassoon and Toni & Guy – Look up how the brands demonstrated themselves.

Imagery distracted Stanley Watts.

Use Stanley Watts imagery.

How to use effortlessly audacious on the website

Social Media feel like,

Stanley Watts filter could be applied, brush strokes.

Their image could only have come from Stanley Watts

Maybe the opportunity of people taking their picture of their new hairstyle

Experience when you are in there but also how can you leave and take a bit of Stanley watts with you


Stamp for each person

Icons become an evolving set in the space

Artist might come in, is there a way to use the icons we create, to be a graphic representation of Stanley’s Stylist family.

Now you don’t get physical receipts you get digital, is there a chance to get something effortlessly audacious with a receipt.

How can we present a receipt?

Think about how customers can interact with the brand.

How can we bring effortlessly audacious alive in every way possible?


Paula was very helpful. We had a good discussion about our ideas moving forward, she gave us some good insight into what she feels good be improved with our branding. One thing that was immediate she picked up on was that Stanley did not resonate with the posters, she compared the work to Vidal Sassoon and Toni & Guy, which I think some of the photography does look very much like Vidal Sassoon. All though this may be the case I think our photography with out design is a lot more modern and is more impactful. We discussed that grouping them up may not be the best idea so I will explore using Stanley Watts photography and turning them into individual posters. I also want to explore how this style can then be used on full frame photography rather than Side Portraits. Paula said that potentially there could be an app that turns a photo of your new hairstyle into a Stanley Watts style image once you have had your haircut. We discussed the idea me and Sid have on a Seasonal Magazine, to showcase all the creativity that is going on in Stanley Watts, Paula thought this was a good idea. We also talked about the topic of presenting a receipt, would the customers receive a physical receipt and how could we do that in an effortlessly audacious way.



9th June 2020

Tims Feedback

Hi Brian.

It was good to catch up and review the pitches the other week.

I have to say there was generally a good level of work for a 2 week turnaround – impressive, and we liked the evidence of industry thinking: research, applying research to an insight, and evidence of creative development, and copy / designs.

The teams that did well clearly thought through the brief. Those that didn’t, repeated the brief back to us. Which just complicated things.

The winning team in our view produced a slice of reality, close to entertainment. The clarity of their description showed confidence in their idea. The idea is also campaign-able into other areas, using both mums and dads. The deck was well put together was the stand out pitch delivery, well designed. The voice over and not using video in this instance worked very well.

The winners and those teams that did well, told us a story, engaged us rather than simply filling slides. This was really great and we don’t really see this in student work.

A few general tips for the teams:

 Always good practice to give your idea or team a name, remembering 2 names per group is difficult and it would be nice to have been able to refer to team/idea X when it came to reviewing  the pitches.

 Check file sizes of presentation deck. One as circa 250megs which was nuts.

 Repeating a brief back to a client should be done succinctly, not at length. It is done to prove you are going to answer the set task, not to fill out a presentation.

Specific feedback:

The pitches were very tactical which in fairness I lead them on, and it was notable that students presented tactical thoughts, rather than trying to reinvent the brand and move into strategic territory. This is a key discipline, very well done.

So 2 runners up and a winning team. However, as requested, each group has been individually assessed. 2 runners up are: • Zoe and Rogena  • Diana and Julia

Winning Team is Mika and Ester. We are looking forward to working with Mika and Ester.

Best regards,


I think Tims feedback was useful, we did not get to pitch properly to Tim and sent a text format pitch, also our pitch size was large due to our campaign being mainly video based, so i feel our professionalism of pitch was put down quite a lot . Unfortunately we did not get to view every one elses pitch so the table is kind of lost. I feel the the table from the pitch is helpful but the percentage marks were unnecessary, since Tim is not marking using an academic criteria, this made people feel unhappy about the work they produced and spent a lot of time and effort on as the percentage that some people got was the equivalent of a D, me included. I think this a long with a non nonsensical individual feedback column was unnecessary, i feel the table should have been either thoughtful or not given at all. Other than i appreciate Tim giving us the opportunity and the time and I am thankful for his feedback, especially given his unfortunate circumstances.



10th June 2020


  • Work on Magazine

  • Work on Posters

  • Work on Social Media

  • Look at some more Products

  • Look at some more activation's

I have started working on the layout of the Magazine. Using Stanleys photography and our branding on the front page and then the Zine Starting page with Hair is just the beginning and a quote from Stanley about what the space means to him and showcasing his workers.

I introduced 2 of Stanleys images and refined the Posters i felt worked the strongest.

I then looked at how it could be transferred into Stanleys full frame photography

I transferred them into what Instagram posts could look like.

Then attempted some more Product development.

How the store front could look

Patterns that could be used within the store.

I then went on to look at a customer feedback book



11th June 2020


  • Attend Lecture at 10:00am

  • Meeting with Steve at 11:45am


Nice idea with flags

Strong Visual Style

Work on Website


How can we base it off something he already wants to use.

Limited edition print

Some form of limited edition email.

Customer Focused digital design.


Me and Sid didn't have too much work to showcase as unfortunately Sid had to work on Re-submissions and i had a few personal issues. We have discussed which ideas we believe are strongest and what we are capable of achieving within the short space of time we have left. We still feel very confident with out branding and bringing all of the Elements together to create a website. Steve was very helpful with keeping us focused on the parts of the work that would be strongest and that we believed mattered most to Stanley, which was the website.



13th June 2020


  • Meeting with Sid

  • Focus on website

  • Focus on other activation's


Me and Sid worked on what we want the website to look like, we played around with multiple designs, in terms of a mobile website using illustrated iconography. We decided this was too formal and wanted it to be more audacious

We then discussed further about websites we like and inspiration and worked on multiple landing pages until we arrived at a design we felt was strong. The website we wanted to highlight the family and work team by also giving them a platform to showcase their work as Stanley mentioned he wanted to showcase creative talent. We then decided to make it look almost as if it was a collage so multiple elements of the website can change and evolve over time.

We then discussed our pitch and we gathered everything into one space before breaking it down into what was we felt was the strongest materials in providing brand guidelines.

After doing this we then discussed what we felt should go into our brand guidelines to pitch to Stanley. We decided we did not want over-saturate the pitch and have way too much content. We broke down what we felt was our strongest material into our final pitch.

Pitch Script:

Slide 1:

Hey Stanley, I'm Sam, and I'm Sid, and this is our brand guidelines for Stanley Watts

Slide 2 - Brand Values

Sid - Through our many conversations we've come to know stanley watts as a brand that is Audacious, authentic, with an attention to craft and a respect for heritage.

Slide 3 - Core Proposition

Sam - This then brought us on to our core proposition which is EFFORTLESSLY AUDACIOUS and that has informed our creative direction throughout this process.


Slide 4 - Typefaces

Sid - We felt a great way to translate a personal touch would be to use a handwritten font.

We chose two handwritten typefaces which work together to create a unique look, and taking that effortless audaciousness through the type.

We coupled these with a modern San Serif font to elevate and maintain a sophisticated balance.

Slide 5 - Logo

Sam - Logo - We then brought the typefaces together to create a stamp that can be used across all media. Using the S from the San Serif font and the W from the Handwritten font overlaying the s in an effortless way to make it look and feel dynamic.

We also used the San Serif Font to showcase how we would use Stanley Watts in Long Format


Sid - As you know we recalled a particular bespoke colour you like called stargazy blue - so we decided to frame the rest of the palette off this. The red and orange bring a pop of character, whilst the white and gold are sophisticated and ground the palette.

Slide 7 - Texture

Sam - Because the space is constantly evolving, we want it to be like a blank canvas with splashes of colour using the buildings natural natural elements and light will evolve within the space and with the seasons.

Slide 8 - Posters

Sam - When we last presented these posters to you, you mentioned it felt like a different world, and a little 70’s so we decided to deconstruct the grid and have each image feature individually with can be used around the Greenwich design District. We also wanted to showcase how these would look using Stanley’s photography.

Slide 9 - Products

Sam - This is how the brand identity looks carried over into the products and packaging, giving the products a really nice slick gold edge.

Slide 10 - Store Front

Sam - We wanted to look at the Store Front and we thought the idea of having a flag would be effortlessly audacious but also since its near the Thames it would be a nice personal shout out to Greenwich.

Slide 12 - Website

Sid - Our website is a culmination of the brand, we brought in our imagery, copy textures.were important to showcase on this website. The first is how you mentioned that you want this space to

A stepping stone to cultivate potential in your team.

Slide 13 - Magazine

Sam - As you mentioned you want the space to be adaptable and evolve with the seasons. You have a lot of ideas about bringing in musicians, artists, events and having collaborations with the community.

Through introducing a seasonal publication, it's a way to encapsulate and showcase all of this.

They can live in the store or be a coffee table book your clients will be proud to showcase in their home.

And we would like to have launch event for each publication can be held.

We chose to have this Zine as a hardback, to make the Zine feel more premium and to stick to being effortlessly audacious.

In a world now where everything is digital, we feel that having something physical brings your brand to life


Thank you for listening to our pitch, do you have any questions?



17th June 2020

Unit Reflection

Overall this is having been my favourite unit on the course so far. I feel I have learned more working on this live project in terms of brand strategy than ever before. This unit has helped me understand what I want to pursue as a career. I enjoy the creative process of building a story and visual language for a brand. This was a very exciting experience and the opportunity of it being used as a live business really made it feel like I was receiving a lot more than just a great learning experience and portfolio piece. I think everyone really stepped up for this unit and this made me excited for what’s next to come. I really enjoyed having all the tutorials, they was very informative, I really liked working with James at the beginning of the unit, the brand strategy workshops where very helpful to understand how to build a brand personality. I also loved working with Paula, she was very insightful and helpful with helping me and Sid develop our brand language further and helping us understand which route we could take.

The main things i have learned from this unit are:

  • What career path I want to pursue

  • How to work with a partner

  • How to organise my tasks on a day to day basis

  • The importance of organisation

  • How to build brand guidelines

  • How to talk to a client

  • That i need to work on my pitching ie, selling an idea

  • How to cater towards a client

  • To be more confident in the work i am producing

Thank you for this Term I think it has been very well run and organised, especially given the unfortunate circumstances it has been amazing.


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