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Phase Two

Updated: Mar 17, 2020


We Started off phase 2 using Prototype, we had to find codes and put them into the prototype app and adapt and play with different codes.

We then paired up into groups to work on an Arduino project. I was grouped with Jacob. We managed to get the hang of Arduino pretty quickly. We worked out how to put on 2 lights and a motor at once and adjust the light to flash and alternate the time in between the flashes.

TAB Workshop


We watched a video and took down as many things as possible that the lady with dementia in the video was doing to enhance her living environment to improve her daily lifestyle.

We then put them into a grid and arranged which we felt had the most impact to the least and which was the hardest to execute and which was the easiest.

We then had to write down 8 different ideas in a matter of 8 minutes.

We then took our favourite idea and collated all the potential outcomes we could use.

We looked at creating storyboards to help us visualise these ideas.

We started working on a prototype and how our idea could come to life within app format.

We trialed and tested other storyboard ideas.

We discussed our idea and prototype further with Steve.

We then worked on another prototype idea.

We went on to creating a prototype in XD using voice memos as it was most like our idea.

We named our app EzWelcome.

We then got our prototype user tested

This was the feedback we recieved.

We then had our first presentation.

We then took the feedback on board and started working on a simpler prototype.

We then got some feedback.

We created a mock prototype on XD.

We then looked at how the storyboard would work in short so we can build the narrative of the product.

We took inspiration from this storyboard.

This is the final storyboard outcome.

I then started to look at branding the product and how the logo would look.

This is the final logo design outcome.

We then brnaded and simplified the prototype to a finished product before our final pitch.

We created a live prototype for the presentation. Once the prototype had played we then played what would come from the voice memo machine.

Our final pitch to tab.

Feedback from Final Presentation with Tab.

Positive feedback.

They really liked how we took on board all of the feedback from the previous presentation and made it happen.

They liked the live prototype we presented and thought our presentation told a good story of our product.

They asked us to go forward and get some user testing on the final prototype to see what responses people would like to do once the device has been used.

After getting some feedback, people like "The calm before the door" copy but majority like the "Call, Calm & Collected".

The copy underneath the logo needs to be more direct letting people know what the product is.

Overall I enjoyed this project a lot.

It gave me a good understanding of building a product for a beneficial cause.

The research and user testing on this project helped me get a good understanding of the client base i was working for.

I learned new skill sets from TAB by using there formula of building a product.

I learned how important building a storyboard and a narrative for a product is, especially when creating a product that will benefit a mental health disorder.


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