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The next step was to find an Insight for our project and present three insights of the play that we have discovered. We wrote down and discussed many themes that people presented before hand.

Here is my presentation.

The idea for the presentation was to present an insight, an idea and then mood boards to show the how the idea could be presented. My first insight was to do with rebelliousness as Romeo and Juliet rebelled against the Capulet name my idea was to create and an anti 'Capulet' political campaign, by defacing political campaign posters with graffiti of Shakespeare quotes and protests. My second insight was the addiction of love. My idea was to create a campaign about a love drug flooding the streets of London that is being sold to kids on the street and have a breaking news style campaign. My third and final insight was based on the flirtatious and sexual dialogue used in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. My idea was to create a campaign of social media images using metaphors and puns from the play. Upon presented this idea, I was advised that i had strong insights but my ideas where not set in stone. I was told that i could learn a lesson from having three strong insights and that was to completely scrap one of my ideas and look deeper into two of my insights.

I then scrapped the flirtatious insight and looked further into the first two insights. I ended up going with the addiction of love and narrowing my idea into love is a drug, playing on the use of drug addiction.

We sat down in groups and discussed and wrote down all of our ideas before pitching our ideas to the class. Once pitching to the class we created a wall of ideas to give people more ideas into their insight.

This helped me narrow my idea down and how i could portray 'love is a drug'.

I went on to deciding a modern pharmaceutical campaign would be a good way to portray my idea and would be a clean visual communication.


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